
VICTORY #1 Two years ago, I had just been diagnosed with COPD; walking took my breath away, even traveling across a room. I used oxygen at home, but not out and about. It only added to the depression and anxiety with which I live. We received an invite to a family gathering on Georgia's St. Simons Island, offering us the opportunity to spend some quality time with our daughter, her partner, their 1-year-old daughter, and her other grandparents.  It was going to be a wonderful trip and we eagerly set out to drive to Savannah. On arrival, everything was great. There's nothing like playing with your first grandchild!  I didn't do well with walking, especially in the Southern summer heat, but I managed. My mood was up and I was so happy. Then came the visit to the beach. As I exited the car in the parking lot, I saw a wooden bridge at the far end of the lot. We approached and my heart sank. Before me was the long bridge, leading to the beach where it must have been a c
THE SCARY BEGINNING This is not going to be easy. I'm used to having my wall to protect me, keeping my thoughts and feelings inside. That makes it easier to just manage each day, hour, minute more easily by hiding from myself, which is something that I simply cannot tolerate going forward. I'm on a mission to be the person I want to be and that I know is inside me. Of course, that's not to say that I haven't been genuine with others; it's just that I only allow them to get close enough to almost expose my insecurities and what I think are my awful secrets, and I stop things dead right there. Come close, but not too close. See a bit of me, but not too much. I show you only what I perceive as the "good parts" so you'll like me. That's as much as I can write at the moment. Embarking on this adventure is scary as hell, because I plan to be completely honest with myself and you, no holds barred. It might even take me a while to publish this. I